Dr. John Simpson (Jack) is a retired army officer and Middle East specialist who has served in Morocco, Iran, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Italy, Germany, and 20 other countries. He received training from the Army's Special Forces Training Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in special warfare and psychological warfare. He received advanced training in explosives and physical security from the Army's school in Germany. He served as a Green Beret and as a Cobra helicopter pilot in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.
Dr. Simpson is an electrical engineer who also has a BS in physics, a MA in English, and a Ph.D. in philosophy. His concentration of work for his Ph.D. was in ancient Eastern philosophy (mainly China, Japan, Korea and India). He selected psychology as a minor concentration because he considers the two subjects to be the two sides of the same coin.
Help save our country from Muslim domination and Shariah Law. Select the link above to go to their site.
Dr. Simpson has delivered presentations on the Middle East, Islam, terrorists, and security for business travelers. His clients include South Florida corporations, private organizations, retirement communities, military associations, and hotel chains.
His presentations on the military prove that he understands the difference between the problems inherent to war and the problems caused by poor military planning, leadership, and management. Since retiring he has continued his research on Islam and Arab culture and has delivered presentations to groups and on talk radio shows about Islam, Muslim culture, and the mistakes we have made in Iraq, both tactical and dealing with the Iraqi people. He is the author of five books, two of which are about Islam and terrorism and three about helicopter Pilots and Green Berets in Vietnam.
Get Dr. Simpson's book (he wrote this book in 2006, before 9-11) and see what is in store for our children if we do not start doing something about the Muslim problem in the United States. Every prediction he made in this book is comming true except (so far) for the United States, we still have time to do something. Europe, as predicted, is lost! They waited too long to take any action to protect their society.
All free people around the world should insult Islam every day until the nut-case Muslims get tired of protesting and shut up about how sensitive they are. It's free speach - live with it!